Interested? Book a FREE Discovery Call

We all need regular, consistent space and time for rest, reflection, restoration, nourishment, and nature.

We live so often in our busy brains to the detriments of our bodies and spirits. That's why I created Move Free Retreats. The perfect opportunity for you to meet, befriend, and work with... yourself on a whole new level. Of course, these experiences are luxurious and indulge in inclusions such as:

– Daily movement classes that support your body, and mind –

– Healthy, balanced + nourishing meals planned + prepared by a private chef –

– Daily potent time for rest, relaxation, and reflection –

– Cultural excursions –

– Community and safe containers of support –

AND you DON’T need ANY prior pilates experience to attend you’ll learn about your body, how it works + how to RESPOND to it in real time…without holding anyone else back.
The movement we use on ALL Move Free Retreat experiences is deeply accessible, nourishing, and supportive—for
ALL bodies.

“Something magical happened to me when I journeyed on retreat with Jessica.

After only a few days, a group of strangers came together as a cohesive community transformed by the common experience that can only happen in the presence of joy and support as led by Jessica.

We did things we would likely never do on our own, grew individually and bonded collectively…. And all along the way, our bodies magically transformed inside and out. I have literally never felt better in my life both inside and out, which is miraculous for a 65 year old”

Cathleen, Tulum Retreat Attendee

Who am I?

I was in 7th grade when I took my first trip abroad to France and England. My best friend and I decided that we would become tour guides when we grew up.  I had a professional dance career and opened a successful business in between but am so thrilled to bring all my loves and passions together in MoveFree Retreats! My expertise in healthy movement and dedication to supporting you to find peace and calm combined with exciting travel has created these inspiring and transformative experiences.

If you haven’t yet booked your FREE Discovery Call with Jessica, NOW is the time!

It’s a totally fun 30 minute call with Jessica where you’ll learn:

– What’s happening on the next retreat…the food, the activities, the lodging, and ALL the luxury inclusions.

– HOW to help this or any Move Free Retreat become a reality in your life.



  • BELIZE - SPRING 2024


  • TULUM – MARCH 2023